Business Partnerships

Recruiting Top Student Talent Just Got a Lot Easier

Well-prepared workers are an invaluable resource, and recruiting them gives you a critical performance edge that can be the difference between success and falling short of your goals. Maricopa PipelineAZ is a conduit that provides a steady supply of high-quality workers ready to step into important positions that you need to fill.

We use Maricopa PipelineAZ’s skills-mapping technology to unite local businesses like yours with our work-ready students and match them with the best candidates.

At Maricopa Community Colleges, we are committed to the future success of our students—and your business.

Review our Recruitment Guidelines below to become an approved site and partner with Maricopa Community Colleges.

Recruitment Guidelines

As the largest provider of workforce training in Arizona, Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) appreciates our relationship with local and national employers.

Maricopa Community Colleges’ Career Centers subscribe to and endorse the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Principles of Professional Conduct Principles, which includes the following criteria:

  • Adhere to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) federal laws mandated under the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Must have a current or anticipated job opening
  • Must have an “employer-employee” relationship in which there are no fees associated with becoming an employee of the organization

Maricopa Community Colleges’ Career Centers reserve the right to refuse service to organizations or individuals and have established the following additional criteria:

  • Sales positions must offer an ongoing base salary and not be commission only
  • Multi-level Marketing (MLM) organizations and franchising opportunities are not permitted
  • No access will be granted to post jobs that put applicants in compromising situations, such as adult entertainment, escort services, presentation modeling, canvassing or door-to-door sales, or similar activities
  • Any position requiring a personal financial investment in order to generate income will not be permitted (purchasing products or samples, training, equipment, etc.)
  • Third-Party Recruiting Agencies (employment agencies, search firms, contract recruiters, staffing firms, temporary agencies, outsourcing contractors), are not eligible to submit jobs. On-campus recruitment activities are at the discretion of each Maricopa College Career Center
  • No access will be granted for positions where applicants would be paid per item to complete surveys, click on internet links, or post personal web content
  • Personal ads, as placed by individuals rather than agencies or organizations, when job duties include labor work offered by a community member are not permitted (i.e. working in a home office, personal assistant, babysitting, etc.)
  • Employers must abide by the job opportunity information submitted. It is not permitted to recruit for positions other than those positions already approved through the previously identified guidelines

Maricopa Community Colleges' Career Centers reserve the right to grant access to employers as deemed appropriate to fit the needs of our various constituencies. The policy involves the review of requests for access to services from all employers for content and suitability. We do not accept postings for positions from any business whose purpose is inconsistent with policies, regulations, or the overall mission of Maricopa Community Colleges.

Hire Maricopa Students

Students at Maricopa Community Colleges are driven and hard-working, which makes them excellent hires for your business.

In order to hire students from Maricopa Community Colleges, you can post job openings through the Maricopa PipelineAZ, the official platform our District uses to provide employers an online opportunity to connect with great local candidates — from students and alumni to job seekers in our communities.

Post to Maricopa PipelineAZ

Employer Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all employers will have an account created on their behalf. At the time of the transition, your company contact will receive an email notification from Maricopa Pipeline that will contain a unique URL for you to create a log-in and password for your account. If you have questions, you may contact us at

No fees are associated with creating or posting on Maricopa PipelineAZ.

If you are interested in connecting with specific programs, you may connect with us at

If you have questions regarding creating an account or posting positions, you may contact us at

Immediately, if you have a Maricopa PipelineAZ Employer account. Please be sure your posting adheres to the Employer Recruitment Guidelines for posting an opening for Maricopa Community College students and alumni.