Dual Enrollment


Welcome to Dual Enrollment!

We are excited to have you as a Maricopa Community Colleges Dual Enrollment student. Dual Enrollment provides high school students the opportunity to earn community college credits while still in high school—within the high school day—without having to leave the high school setting. Students must meet college readiness, course placement prerequisites, complete all the registration steps, and pay tuition and fees to receive dual enrollment credit. For new first-time and returning Dual Enrollment students, see the steps below to help you get started.

Dual Enrollment registration deadlines may vary from college to college. Please visit your Dual Enrollment college website of choice for registration information including deadlines.

Dual Enrollment Students


First-time Dual Enrollment Students

As a first-time Dual Enrollment student, you’ll need to follow these steps: get admitted to a Maricopa Community College, set up Duo two-factor authentication, visit your Student Center to complete the first-time Next Steps form, register for classes, and pay your tuition and fees.

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Student Resources

Need help navigating the Student Center? Refer to our Student Center Guide for detailed instructions and help.


Tuition Assistance

Discover how you can fund your Dual Enrollment college education through our tuition assistance program. Learn how you can save on tuition costs while earning college credits in high school. Start your path to success today!

Explore Funding

Dual Enrollment Graduates


Dual Enrollment Graduates

With graduation approaching, are you ready to take the next step? We offer seamless pathways to continue your education at Maricopa Community Colleges. Explore our programs, and discover all the ways dual enrollment credits can give you a head start. Join us and build a bright future!

See College Options


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