Next Steps in the Enrollment Process—Returning Students

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As a previous student of Maricopa Community Colleges, you may have gone through these steps before. However, as a returning student, you will need to repeat these steps for processing purposes.


1. Figure Out Which Classes You Need

Our colleges utilize multiple options to identify the right courses to support your success. These options include:

  • High School Transcripts
  • GED Scores
  • ACT Scores
  • SAT Scores
  • EdReady Placement Assessment

Determine Your Classes

2. Seek Advisement

Meeting with an academic advisor is a critical part of your educational process to ensure you’re on the right track. We recommend contacting an advisor as soon as possible.

Seek Advisement

3. Add the Classes You Want

Once you’ve found a class you want to take, you need to register for it in your Student Center by going to the Manage Classes tile, then selecting Class Search and Enroll from the menu.

Add Classes

4. Pay Tuition and Fees

Payment Plans
If you plan to cover a portion of your tuition and fees out of pocket, you may want to enroll in a payment plan.

Apply for Scholarships
Numerous scholarship opportunities await.

Apply for Federal Student Aid
Completing the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Pay Tuition and Fees

5. Forward Your Email Address

Maricopa Community Colleges frequently communicates with students via email about important items like tuition, financial aid, scheduling, events and workshops, and more. Because of this, it is important you forward your Maricopa Community Colleges email address to a personal Gmail account to ensure you never miss important information.

Note: You can log in to your Maricopa Community Colleges' email by going to There, you can manage your preferences.

Forward Your Email Address