Online Success

Online Success

If you’ve never taken online classes before, you’re probably wondering where to start and what you should expect. To help you adjust, Maricopa Community Colleges has put together eight strategies for managing your online classes.

The main thing to keep in mind is that online classes aren’t “easier” than classes that require you to be on campus and are not a shortcut to academic success. Online classes require the same effort and discipline you would apply in an in-person class. In fact, they may require more discipline since you’ll have to keep yourself on track.

If you have questions, reach out to the staff, instructors, and advisors at your college who are available to assist you.

8 Strategies for Managing Online Classes

8 Strategies for Managing Online Classes

1. Set Realistic Goals

People who set goals are 10 times more likely to succeed. Most successful people set goals. Goal setters see the big picture and future possibilities in advance. Here’s how to use goals effectively:

  • Determine what you need to do to be successful in class and how to achieve it—for example, your goals could include:
    • Committing to doing more homework
    • Attending a certain number of your instructors’ office hours
    • Dedicating a set time to prepare for exams
  • Write your goals out—this makes them real and you accountable and 33% more likely to achieve them
  • Keep your goals realistic, tangible, and make them short-term
  • Check in with yourself weekly to make sure you’re on track to achieving your goals and adjust them as needed to keep them attainable

2. Prioritize Assignments

Next, it’s time to prioritize your assignments and tasks and create a list to serve as a roadmap. This will help you bypass procrastination, so you can stay ahead of the game and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

  1. First, you need to understand the full scope of what is involved with each assignment or task and how many hours you think you’ll need to complete each one
  2. Determine each assignment or task’s deadline
  3. Rank each task by its importance, the amount of work needed, and due date
    1. Tackle harder, more important assignments first so you’re left with easier, more manageable ones that take less time
    2. Spread out projects that will take several hours over days or weeks
    3. Make studying for tests a priority and allow yourself several days to prepare

Learning how to prioritize takes practice, but you’ll soon be a pro at it!

3. Create a Daily Schedule and Stick to It

Create a schedule of daily tasks you need to complete, such as:

  • Finishing assignments
  • Studying
  • Contacting instructors
  • Completing projects

This will keep you mindful of what you need to do that day and help you to set aside enough time to work on each task.

Where and how you document your daily schedule is up to you, whether it is in a daily planner book or using an app you purchase online or download for free.

One successful time management technique is time blocking, which allows you to schedule and plan specific work and activities for defined time slots, down to the minute.

Helpful tip: Give yourself at least a 10-minute break after completing a task.

4. Connect With Your Instructors

The best way to stay on track and be successful in your courses is to connect with your instructors during their online office hours. Your instructor can help you with questions you have on course content, as well as other issues that might hinder your success in the course.

Instructors are also a great resource for referring class tutors, helping with study groups, and providing additional resources.

Helpful tip: Find out when your instructors’ office hours are as soon as possible in case you need to contact them.

5. Use Remote Study Groups

Communication apps like Slack, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, and Skype, among others, are an effective way to form remote study groups with other students so you can help one another understand difficult concepts. Teaching each other also helps you to internalize the material more easily. An added bonus is that you’ll find that you complete your assignments more quickly. Study groups, however, are only useful if you structure them and everyone is prepared.

6. Study, Study, and Keep Studying!

Preparing for upcoming exams means you need to study. Succeeding will require you to focus and have good time management skills and persistence. Make sure you have a dedicated, quiet space to study where there are no distractions.

A general guideline is to study for 10 hours per week, per class. Use the study time you’ve set aside every day to review your notes. Daily studying is a far more effective way to absorb information than last second cramming before a test—it will help the information stick in your brain so it’s easy to recall during the test and well beyond.

Helpful tip: Get plenty of rest the night before an exam to feel sharp and in the best frame of mind. Also, eating a healthy meal before you take the exam will get you energized and your synapses firing, leaving you focused.

7. Allow for Computer and Internet Issues

Studying online gives you great freedom but comes with certain challenges if you have technical issues. With that in mind, budget your time to allow for computer or internet issues and try to avoid waiting until the last second to complete an assignment. Also, make sure you have a backup plan if you have a hardware or software issue. Is there someone who has a computer you can borrow? Where else can you access the internet during an outage, such as a local coffee house?

8. Practice Self-care

Hectic school schedules can zap your energy and leave you with no personal time for yourself. Be sure to take the time to give yourself what you need and be patient with yourself. Practicing self-care consistently can drastically improve your well-being, self-esteem, and how you perform in school. Self-care also increases the resiliency that you need to help bounce back when problems arise in your life.

Your online classes offer you a flexible way to earn credits. Follow the suggestions above to help successfully manage your online classes!