Open Educational Resources (OER)

Save Money With OER!

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that are copyright-free or have been released under a Creative Commons copyright license that permits others to reuse, revise, remix, redistribute, and retain them.

OER includes full courses, textbooks, course modules, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, teaching materials, games, simulations, and many other resources contained in global digital media collections.

OER saves you money and guarantees immediate and permanent access to quality educational materials. As the ever-changing open educational movement continues to grow worldwide, Maricopa Community Colleges is proud to work with our faculty and students to develop truly innovative OER resources.

Courses designated as “no cost” have no additional cost to students beyond fees associated with tuition. Courses designated as “low cost” have required course materials under $40:

  • These charges are associated with copyrights for textbooks, printings of required materials, or online homework.
  • These no-cost and low-cost courses are marked in the online class search tool Find a Class.

It's easy to find OER courses offered across our colleges. When searching for courses, select "More Search Options" at the bottom of the Find a Class page, then click the "No cost or low cost (<$40) textbooks" box to explore.

Find OER Courses

Maricopa Community Colleges' History With OER

In 2013, Maricopa Community Colleges pledged to be a part of the OER movement by establishing the Maricopa Millions Project Resources Project intended to reduce educational costs for students while providing immediate and permanent access to learning resources. Spending less money on textbooks and materials fosters greater access to materials for you, the student, and it may better support you with coursework.